Sunday, July 20, 2008

the boys of summer

I have been wanting a flip video camera for awhile now and I got one on ebay the other day...this is what summer is all about...spending time with family at my nephew Logan's ball game. Now remember this is my first attempt at using this camera so it is a little jumpy! but I will get the hang of the arrow and take a peek.


Magnolia Street Style said...

You did a great job.

Heidi said...

How cute when Addi comes up and leans against you while you are filming. How old is Logan? This brings back memories of my baby brother playing baseball and football. Hope you are enjoying your summer. Are you finding time to relax on your pretty porch?

Hugs ~

Laurie said...

Did it take forever for you to download this? That's the trouble I've run into when I try to post videos on blogger. I tried to run a three mn video the other night and it took hours and failed anyway.
Hope your summer has been lovely. goes too fast in Mn as we all know and seem to keep reminding ourselves!

Heidi said...

Back again Gail as you asked me about Astilbas. Yes they are shadow plants so I think would work well for you. They are really lacey and pretty in the garden.

Hugs ~