It is so nice to sit back and relax! My nieces and nephew gave me a basket full of movies, a book and best of all a subscription to ROMANTIC HOMES! well,maybe not the best of all there was chocolate in the basket too! So guess what I am doing today? yup. I am so excited. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and now you are able to sit back and recuperate! Happy Happy New year blog buddies! Here a few pictures to share of my Christmas...

my godson after opening his favorite thing COSMIC BROWNIES! Ya think he likes them? we keep telling him some day those front teeth will come in!

Two of my favorite guys...my husband and my little godson

I don't think I will ever get a picture of these two little nuggets looking at the camera at the same time. It's just not happening...aren't they sweet in their frilly dresses and patent leather shoes? Addi did well for having strep throat and a ear infection...poor babe. Her sister on the other hand was feeling very healthy and full of the dickens!

Another Christmas has passed... so once again,up the creaky wooden stairs I go to my attic. All my decor is tucked away for another year. It is a good feeling to have that yearly ritual accomplished! It was a good Christmas. My husband had the flu on Christmas eve, so I made dinner with my Mom, while he stayed home and rested. Christmas Day was at my sister's house and I don't think there was a inch of space to spare!It was a full house... for some reason I didn't get around to taking many pictures this year, to busy talking I guess. I am so glad I have this chore done. I just have the urge this time of year to buy totes, to organize...do I need more totes?