Thursday, October 9, 2008

This is my hometown...

Come and join Addi and I on a walking tour of our home town....
the beautiful colors behind our garden gate....
notice my bay windows? they are clean! put the storm windows on yesterday and washed everything in and out...I love that fresh clean vision out my front windows! fall is the best.
Out the front door we go......
Our church on the hill....
Main street u.s.a. (sorry this is so blurry)
beautiful mums adorn the shops...
this is the old store I used to sell antiques at, now a floral shop...
A quaint little homestead in the middle of town...just blocks away from us.
I hope you enjoyed our little tour! Have a great fall weekend! take care, Gail


Magnolia Street Style said...

Your photo of your garden gate is beautiful!! Don't you wish the leaves would stay that colorful for months rather than weeks? Have a good day.


Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

What are all these creeps doing on your blog! I am soo sorry..Loved the tour of your towm. Your view is amazing! Have a great day tomorrow and maybe you can delete the junk comments?!

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

You lucky, lucky girl. Looks like a town out of a movie. Thanks for sharing.
AND that ottoman...Absolutely gorgeous. Your fabric choice was so beautiful.

cherry said...

OHHH what an adorable town...quaint...old-fashion charm...what a wonderful place to be and live. cherry

Anonymous said...

My dream is to live in a town just like your's. I am so envious. Thanks for sharing. Debbi

Heidi said...

Hi Gail and Addi and thank you for taking me along on this walk! I loved seeing a real old fashioned small town USA again.

Hugs ~

Laurie said...

I LOVE your town and don't get there nearly as much as I'd like to-lucky you!!!

Kim said...

what a post card!