Monday, November 26, 2007

The Attic.

This is where I spent most of my weekend! I climbed up these very steep wooden steps and threw open the big creaky wooden door to find a winter wonderland of Christmas decor...wrong. My attic was a disaster! For many years now, I have tossed my left over inventory from the shop that didn't sell at 50% off...well, after many years of doing this and never trying to resell it, it was a mess. But I did find my hiking boots from 1982! So, my husband and I tossed. and tossed. a truck load! it was so liberating! It is so clean! Now on to the important stuff.....decorating for Christmas....more photos to come!


Heidi said...

Now I feel like the girl in the photo at the end of your blog in anticipation of seeing your beautiful home decorated for the holidays.....

~~ Heidi ~~

Unknown said...

I feel the same way about our attic and always tell myself that I need to organized every time I bring stuff down. Now the house is decorated for Christmas but the attic is still a mess. Oh, well.

kari and kijsa said...

Good luck with all your decorating! How we would have loved to have seen all those discarded treasures! We are excited to see all your Christmas too!!

kari & kijsa

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Oh, I need to get busy! I haven't even thought of Christmas with Thanks-mas just ending! We do have the pleasure of having an almost 4-year old in the house over Christmas! Makes it soo much better - seeing Santa, the anticipaiton, the whole thing!
How's your Mother? I hope she's doing better. Take care and I can't wait to see how your decorations look!

Mrs. Jones said...

It feels so good to get rid of stuff, doesn't it? I always thought it would be so cool to have an attic, but it does look like a lot of work climbing up and down those stairs. Love your Thanksgiving family photo!

Cottage Contessa said...

I know this isn't the point of the post, but, ooohhhhhh I wish our homes in Australia had attics & basements! Good for you though on having a big clean out. It does feel like a relief doesn't it? Cant wait to see your decorations!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Martha said...


Can't wait to see the Tattered Nest - Holiday Edition!
