Sunday, August 10, 2008

a day of flea marketing and marketing!

Yesterday was a full to the flea market in the morning and then on to the Minneapolis gift market. The flea market was on the grounds of a old farm stead here in Minnesota, Dunn brothers bought the homestead a few years ago and turned the house into a coffee shop...what a great location for a flea market! Here are some pictures of the event...I had to buy this little brown shoe!! there was only one but it was speaking to me. I think I will embellish it with some old buttons and maybe make it into a pin cute. Most of these pictures were taken of my friend Jane Hall's (Mustard Moon)booth...I have featured her once a month sales on my blog before...I love her junk! it is always unique and she has the best prices around...Jane is always a day brightener. The picture of the bottom of this post is of Jane and our friend Lynn...I really didn't want to leave this great setting but Lynn had buying to do at our local gift market, We had to shift gears and think Christmas! yikes. I have been out of the business for a couple years now but I still like to go to market and help Lynn with the decision making...the problem was not many decision were made, there wasn't much new to see. We just wanted to find a few new items but only found one! not good. Therefore no pictures of market...maybe next time! I hope a good weekend was had by all!